


Applying the UTAUT 2 Model to Investigating Online Purchasing Intention: A Dual Media Perspective


張巧真(Chiao-Chen Chang);陳筠惠(Yun-Hui Chen)


線上購物 ; 行動購物 ; 延伸型整合科技接受模式 ; 創新性 ; 雙媒介 ; Online shopping ; Mobile Shopping ; UTAUT2 ; Innovativeness ; Dual media


Electronic Commerce Studies


12卷2期(2014 / 06 / 30)


143 - 168






Recently, the usage of wire-less has grown day by day as a result of smart phones, people do shopping online not only by personal computer or laptop, but also by mobile device. Owing to the maturity of online shopping system, it offer another option for people's purchasing behavior This study was aim to investigate customers' purchasing intention for online shopping based on the UTAUT2 model, and add a factor, which was innovativeness. Further, this study takes a dual media perspective to divide as PC format and mobile device to explore the moderating effects on the purchase intention. The SEM analysis was conducted and showed that the moderating effect of PC formats and mobile devices significantly influenced on UTAUT2 model. Research findings also revealed that online shopping via PC format and mobile device are going to be different, and provided theoretical and practical implications. Even through mobile device has become popular, it cannot totally replace PC format in the context of online shopping.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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