


The Effects of Value-Added Service on Customer Satisfaction and Electronic Word-of-Mouth of Online Group Buying: The Moderating Effect of Consumers' Perceived Justice


陳欽雨(Chin-Yeu Chen);張書豪(Shu-Hao Chang);蕭雅玲(Ya-Ling Hsiao)


網路團購 ; 加值服務 ; 顧客滿意 ; 網路口碑 ; 知覺公平 ; online group buying ; value-added service ; customer satisfaction ; electric word-of-mouth ; perceived justice


Electronic Commerce Studies


12卷2期(2014 / 06 / 30)


169 - 200






The study conducts an empirical analysis and selects the consumers who have ever made online group shopping in Taiwan as samples. The method of regression analysis is adopted to test the proposed hypotheses. The purposes of the research are to explore the effects of value-added service on customer satisfaction and electric word-of-mouth. Besides, the mediating effect of customer satisfaction and the moderating effect of perceived justice are also examined. The important results are listed as follow. Value-added service shows a significantly positive effect on customer satisfaction. Besides, both value-added service and customer satisfaction have a significantly positive effect on electric word-of-mouth. Further, perceived justice can moderate the relationship between customer satisfaction and electric word-of-mouth. Finally, customer satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship between value-added service and electric word-of-mouth. The findings can provide the website platform suppliers as a reference for improving their service quality and designing the marketing strategies.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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