


Performance Evaluation Mechanism of Cloud Computing Service Based On Balanced Scorecards


張碩毅(She-I Chang);李幸蓉(Hsing-Jung Li);鄭新峰(Xin-Feng Zheng);賴家樺(Chi-Hua Lai)


雲端運算服務 ; 平衡計分卡 ; 績效評估 ; cloud service ; balanced scorecard ; benefit assessment


Electronic Commerce Studies


12卷3期(2014 / 09 / 30)


255 - 282




雲端運算的盛行使得相關服務將會積極朝此方向發展與擴張,利用提供創新性之服務模式創造營運優勢。然而目前尚未有一評估機制可供企業在使用雲端運算服務後,對企業經營績效的效益改善與否進行評估與衡量。因此本研究以紮根理論蒐集彙整相關文獻建立研究機制雛形,並用德爾菲法驗證雲端運算服務評估之平衡計分卡衡量指標共得24項,分別為財務構面8項、顧客構面5項、學習成長構面6項、內部流程構面5項。輔以層級分析法(AHP)確立不同雲端運算服務(SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)各衡量指標之分別權重,最後透過個案實證本研究於實務界的可行性,並提供一客觀、可量化的雲端運算服務績效評估機制。


The prevalence of cloud computing will make relating services toward a positive development and expansion to create operational advantages. However, an assessment mechanism is not yet available for adopting cloud computing services of enterprises to evaluate the output. Therefore, this study aims to build Cloud Service Performance Evaluation Mechanisms based on balanced scorecards. The study adopts the grounded theory for mechanism prototype and conducts an expert questionnaire in order to revise its findings on measurable indicators within categories of balanced scorecards. The result identified 24 indicators classified into 4 categories: learning and growth, internal business processes, customer performance, and financial performance and acquires 8, 5, 6, and 5 measurable indicators respectively. Then, using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) confirms the indicator's weight of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Finally, evaluating the feasibility of mechanism through the case study approach validate that an objective and quantifiable management could be provided in assessing performance of cloud computing services for enterprises.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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