


Types of Users' Perception of Shopping Website Aesthetics


劉仲矩(Chung-Chu Liu)


美學 ; 組織美學 ; 網頁設計 ; Q方法 ; aesthetics ; organizational aesthetics ; website design ; Q-method


Electronic Commerce Studies


12卷4期(2014 / 12 / 31)


377 - 399






In recent years, as life becomes far more refined than ever before, the issue of beauty has already drawn the attention from the people worldwide. Moreover, the application of aesthetics no longer belongs to the fields of arts and painting only. Instead, it is widely used in our daily lifes, and even on the internet. The color and illumination of webs, the distribution of the blocks, pictures, and words, are all included in the field of aesthetics. In general, web design tends to affect the visitors surfing the web, and it also has an impact on the time visitors staying on the webpage, which might influences the sales. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore cognitive types of web aesthetics through users' perspectives. As to the research method, we developed a list of relevant questions using an open-ended questionnaire and subsequently conducted Q-sort processes with 26 valid shopping website users. The result showed three perception types of web aesthetics including color aesthetics, innovative aesthetics, and hybrid aesthetics. It is expected that the research result could provide the web designers as a reference when they design a brand new web and give shopping websites operators some suggestions.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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