


Investigate the Impacts of LINE Sticker Values, Fashion Involvement, and Network Externality on Sense of Virtual Community and Stickiness-the Viewpoints of Media Richness and Social Presence Theory


張玉琳(Yu-Ling Chang);李秋滿(Chiou-Ma Lee)


媒介豐富 ; 社會臨場感 ; 虛擬社群意識 ; 流行涉入 ; 網路外部性 ; 黏著度 ; media richness ; social presence ; sense of virtual community ; fashion involvement ; network externality ; stickiness


Electronic Commerce Studies


12卷4期(2014 / 12 / 31)


419 - 449






This study described the nonverbal communication of instant message software by media richness theory and social presence theory to investigate the impacts of LINE sticker values, fashion involvement and network externality on sense of virtual community and stickiness. Modifications to former questionnaires were made to meet the purposes of this study. A quantitative survey was conducted and 466 questionnaires were collected. EFA, CFA, SEM, multi-groups analysis methods were used to examine the model stability and validity. Research findings suggested the following: (1) Values of LINE sticker scale was developed and included interactive, playful, theme, and practical components. (2) LINE sticker values, fashion involvement and network externality all had significant positive impacts on sense of virtual community. (3) Sense of virtual community had a full mediating effect in this framework. (4) The cumulative samples had a dynamic multiplier or dilution impact on the causal relationships in this framework. In summary, the virtual community marketing practices were recommended.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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