


I Like LINE; therefore, I Buy LINE Stickers-A Study of In-app Purchase


楊政萍(Cheng-Ping Yang);吳志明(Chih-Ming Wu);方文昌(Wen-Chang Fang)


行動應用程式 ; 應用程式內購買 ; 體驗價值 ; app ; in-app purchase ; experiential value


Electronic Commerce Studies


13卷3期(2015 / 09 / 30)


293 - 313




應用程式內購買已逐漸成為App開發商的主要獲利模式之一,如何了解消費者在應用程式內購買與實際購買的行為是廠商與開發商所需要注意的議題也是本研究的主要動機。本研究主要目的在探討體驗價值如何影響行動應用程式使用者持續使用及消費者實際在應用程式內購買(In-app Purchase)之行為。先以體驗價值為基礎,分析影響應用程式持續使用及應用程式內購買之主要因素。接續再探討持續使用意圖與實際購買之間的因果關係。本研究主要研究對象為行動通訊應用程式LINE之使用者,以網路問卷方式取樣,回收有效問卷203份,並應用SPSS與SmartPLS統計軟體進行資料分析。本研究結果發現(1)體驗價值各構面(消費者投資報酬、服務卓越性、美感及趣味性)中,服務卓越性及趣味性是影響使用者持續使用行動應用程式的主要因素;(2)使用者在使用行動應用程式中所產生的消費者投資報酬對實際購買有顯著正向影響;(3)行動應用程式的持續使用意圖對實際購買行為產生顯著正向影響。(4)以持續使用意圖為中介變項時,並不影響體驗價值對實際購買的主效果。


In recent years, with the popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs, more and more people use the internet through the mobile devices. It also booms the using trend and business opportunities of App (mobile application). In-app purchase has gradually become the main profit model of the developer. This study aims to investigate the continued to use behavior of App user and actual behavior of In-app Purchase. First, based on the view of experiential value, this study analyzes the main factors that affect the continued to use and actual behavior of In-app Purchase. Then, we discuss the causal relationship between the continued to use intention and actual purchase behavior. The main research subjects are those who are the LINE, one of the mobile communications applications, user. Recruiting the participants from the internet questionnaire, 203 valid samples have accepted. Using SPSS and Smart PLS statistical software to analysis the main data, the findings reveal that (1) in the factors of experiential value (consumer return on investment, service excellent, aesthetics and playfulness), service excellent and playfulness are the main factors affecting users continue to use mobile applications; (2) consumer return on investment has a significant positive impact on In-app Purchase; (3) the intention of continued to use has significant positive impact on actual In-app Purchase behavior; (4) the mediating effect of continued to use does not affect between experiential value and actual behavior of In-app Purchase.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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