
Cross-functional Team Collaboration: Full Mediator of Top Management Support on Enterprise Information System Implementation Success




申元洪(Yuan-Hong Shen);許秉瑜(Ping-Yu Hsu);蕭文龍(Wen-Lung Shiau)


高階主管支持 ; 企業資訊系統導入成功 ; 專案團隊協同 ; 跨功能團隊 ; 中介效果 ; top management support ; enterprise information system implementation success ; team collaboration ; cross-functional team ; mediation


Electronic Commerce Studies


13卷4期(2015 / 12 / 31)


375 - 402




過去許多研究證實企業高階主管支持(Top management support)對企業資訊系統(Enterprise information system)導入成功的直接影響,然而我們認為這樣的解釋有所簡化,因此本研究提出跨功能專案團隊協同(Cross-functional team collaboration)構面並探討其與高階主管支持及企業資訊系統導入成功之關係,以台灣前2000大公司為研究對象,選擇曾導入企業資訊系統的專案經理為問卷的填答者,研究問卷共發出957份,回收有效問卷為347份。研究結果顯示,跨功能專案團隊協同與高階主管支持皆正向且顯著影響企業資訊系統導入成功,而跨功能專案團隊協同為高階主管支持與企業資訊系統導入成功間的中介變數,並且在研究中呈現完全中介效果,換言之,高階主管支持透過跨功能專案團隊協同而影響企業資訊系統導入成功。基於這些結果,本研究補強了企業資訊系統關鍵成功因素以及高階主管支持與資訊系統成功之關聯,同時建議企業在企業資訊系統導入期間,應多增加高階主管支持加強專案團隊的協同程度,這樣將會提升企業資訊系統導入成功。


Top management support plays a critical role in predicting the successful implementation of enterprise information systems (EISs). Previous studies have indicated the significance of this relation; however, this explanation is excessively simplified. This study investigated the team collaboration that provided a channel conveying the support of top management, demonstrating the holistic effects of the entire project team. Therefore, the study should expand existing research, providing an integrated view of how top management support is channeled and affects project success. We used a sample of 347 responses from EIS implementation project managers working in the top 2000 largest corporations in Taiwan. The results indicated that implementation cross-functional team collaboration significantly mediated the effect of top management support on EIS implementation success, demonstrating full mediation. Based on these results, we complete traditional critical success factors (CSFs) and causal success models for information systems (ISs). When senior executives acknowledge CFT is a critical issue, they should use the activities of top management support to strengthen team collaboration during the implementation period, then additional opportunities are likely to arise that ensure successful EIS implementation.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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