
From Value Cocreation to Relationship Formation: A Discriminate Model of Search, Experience, and Credence Goods and Services




謝佩玲(Pei-Ling Hsieh)


線上品牌社群 ; 顧客-品牌關係 ; 搜尋產品和服務 ; 經驗產品和服務 ; 信任產品和服務 ; online brand community ; consumer-brand relationship ; search goods and services ; experience goods and services ; credence goods and services


Electronic Commerce Studies


14卷2期(2016 / 06 / 30)


163 - 196




本文考量多樣產品/服務型態,探索線上品牌社群(OBC)在建立顧客-品牌關係時,所扮演的角色。為描述含廠商、品牌和消費者等成員所組成之複雜、持續而多元的OBC 關係結構,本文納入關係行銷模型,建構OBC 承諾、品牌承諾及品牌忠誠間的連結。跳脫過去OBC 實證研究,僅以廠商活動為模式之前置面向,本文納入價值共創以捕捉存在於OBC 過程中,參與者間的互動;更針對搜尋、經驗及保證三類型產品/服務,分別設計模型,加以比較。研究審視含行銷、心理與資訊領域的文獻,考量理論與實證發展,提出多面向之OBC 價值共創量表,並進行包括探索性與驗證性因素分析之檢測。其後針對不同類型之產品/服務的模型進行比較分析,結果確認本文之三個模型的配適度,肯定其對品牌關係結果變數的解釋能力。對保證產品/服務而言,OBC 承諾在OBC 價值共創與顧客-品牌關係間為一完全中介變數,此確認了這類產品/服務的階層模式;搜尋與經驗產品/服務則僅部分受到OBC 中介,而在決策過程增加了OBC 價值共創-品牌承諾或OBC 價值共創-品牌忠誠之直接路徑。本文冀望未來研究能針對OBC 價值共創量表,做更完整的檢測與應用。隨著OBC-消費者、品牌-消費者間關係類型不同,亦可進行模型比較。而縱向研究更是不容忽視。


Regarding the diversity of goods/services, we explored the role of online brand communities (OBCs) in establishing customer-brand relationships. To describe the complex and evolving OBC relationship, which involves firms, brands, and consumers, a relationship-marketing model was applied; and considering previous studies typically focusing on firm activities, OBC value cocreation was applied to explore the interactions among the participants. Moreover, search, experience, and credence good/service models were devised. Reviewing theoretical and empirical developments, we created a multidimensional scale of OBC value cocreation and conducted exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. A comparative analysis was then performed on the goods/services models, verifying the model goodness of fit and the explanatory power on the variables pertaining to brand relationships. Particularly, regarding credence goods/services, OBC commitment comprehensively mediated the relationship between OBC value cocreation and customer-brand relationships, verifying the hierarchical model. The search and experience goods/services were only partially mediated by OBC commitment, namely, direct paths from OBC commitment to brand commitment or loyalty were identified. We suggest further examination and application of the scale of OBC value cocreation, and additional comparative model analyses conducted on the difference between OBC-customer and brand-customer relationships. Moreover, applying a longitudinal study approach is mandatory.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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