


A Study of Mobile Instant Messaging Stickers Download Intention: From User Experience Perspective


楊美雪(Mei-Hsueh Yang);沈采薇(Tsai-Wei Shen)


使用者經驗 ; 通訊軟體貼圖 ; 下載意願 ; user experience ; mobile instant messaging stickers ; download intention


Electronic Commerce Studies


14卷2期(2016 / 06 / 30)


197 - 220




隨著行動通訊軟體 (mobile instant messaging) 的興起,讓通訊軟體貼圖成為一種新興的溝通媒介。通訊軟體貼圖的情緒表達及豐富的肢體動作,能提升使用者的溝通效率。目前國內對通訊軟體貼圖的探討鮮少以使用者下載意願的觀點作為研究方向。故本研究以使用者經驗為主軸,運用問卷調查法,探討影響使用者下載通訊軟體貼圖意願。研究結果主要如下:(1) 性別在貼圖表達性、娛樂性及下載設計有差異,女性對通訊軟體貼圖下載意願也高於男性;不同的通訊軟體使用狀況也會影響使用者對貼圖的下載意願。(2) 使用者經驗與通訊軟體貼圖下載意願呈現正相關。(3) 貼圖功能經驗中的表達性與娛樂性對通訊軟體貼圖下載意願影響程度最高。(4) 口碑影響經驗中的親友口碑對通訊軟體貼圖下載意願有影響性。(5) 貼圖下載設計影響使用者下載意願有一定的影響性,其中以限時免費、節慶限定推出及企業官方設計影響程度最高。研究的實務貢獻為提供通訊軟體貼圖製造商貼圖設計以及行銷參考。


Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) stickers become one of the popular communication tools. The emotional sticker provides strong emotional expression and abundant gesture which can improve users' communication efficiency. However, there are a few studies focused on user experience. Based on user experience perspective, this study investigates factors affect users’ download intention of MIM Stickers by questionnaire. The findings are shown as following: (1)Female have higher download intention than male on expressiveness, enjoyment, and downloaded design; different usage of MIM Stickers affect users' download intention; (2)User experience was positive correlated with MIM Stickers download intention; (3) Expressiveness and enjoyment had high influence on users' download intention; (4)Traditional Word of Mouth (WOM) had high influence on users' download intention; and (5) downloaded design had influence on users' download intention. These findings provided practical insights not only for MIM stickers design but also for promotion strategies for future MIM manufacturer.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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