


Mining of Leisure Industry Marketing Recommendation Mechanism


陳盈如(Yin-Ju Chen);羅健銘(Jian-Ming Lo)


資料採礦 ; 推薦機制 ; 電子口碑行銷 ; data mining ; recommendation mechanism ; electronic word-of-mouth


Electronic Commerce Studies


14卷3期(2016 / 09 / 30)


389 - 407






With the changing times, thanks to the advancing technologies and the changing consumption characteristics, the life style and recreation habit of consumers are keeping changed due to the request of higher quality of life. Contrast to the old time consumers with their simple factors in choosing product that they purchased, nowadays' consumers have far more factors need to be considered before they make their decisions in choosing products. How the business decision makers predicting the behaviors of consumers by data analytics and the rule of thumb has become an important issue. Unlike conventional association rules' process, this study focuses on tourists for their available dates, purpose and motive of touring. Through the association sequence set, which is generated by clustering method, the association rules are found. The model is then developed, with the following improvement. The recommendation mechanism can be established for enhancing the tourism with the aid of modern technology.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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