


The Influence of Switching Barriers during the Maturity of Responsive Web Design - Prior Empirical Validation and Post-Review


廖洧杰(Wei-Chieh Liao);陶幼慧(Yu-Hui Tao)


響應式網站設計 ; 科技接受模式 ; 任務-科技適配度理論 ; 轉換障礙 ; responsive web design ; technology acceptance model ; task- technology fit theory ; switch barriers


Electronic Commerce Studies


15卷3期(2017 / 09 / 30)


395 - 426




響應式網頁設計(Responsive Web Design, RWD) 2010年被提出後,在國外叫又好叫座,國內推廣至2013年時採用率卻仍偏低,引發探討之動機。基於當時RWD採用探討成果,本研究設計採兩階段:2013年建構理論模式並實證網頁設計師對RWD使用的任務適配度、科技接受及轉換障礙等影響因素之認知;2016年更新次級資料以事後回顧方式,參考Gartner的技術成熟週期(Hype Cycle)五個週期補充解釋實證結果及後續演變。階段一142份有效問卷分析顯示任務-科技適配度、科技接受模式及轉換障礙等理論之假設大多成立,但轉換成本正面顯著影響RWD的使用,讓客戶與設計師不同調的轉換成本問題癥結浮現。階段二更新國內外文獻及網路數據的次級資料顯示,客戶和設計師的轉換成本認知已趨於一致,應可修補被扭曲成正向影響RWD使用的實證結果,同時確認RWD的Hype Cycle歷經階段一的期望高峰及黑暗幽谷期階段,已先後演進至漸入曙光及穩定生產大量期。本文貢獻在於利用兩階段時間差的事後回顧方式探討RWD技術成熟週期之演進現象,並研究非服務導向之轉換障礙科技標的以及補強科技接受理論鮮少與轉換障礙結合的文獻。


After Responsive Web Design (RWD) was proposed in 2010, it was critically acclaimed and extremely popular overseas, but the adoption rate in Taiwan as of 2013 was low. A research model was constructed and validated via the perceived ask-technology fit (TTF), technology acceptance model (TAM), and switching barriers of web designers in 2013, and was supplemented by a post-perspective secondary data analysis in 2016 referencing the five cycles in Gartner's Hype Cycle. In the stage 1 analysis, most of the hypotheses were sustained. However, differently perceived switching costs between web designers and their customers caused an unreasonable outcome of positively influencing RWD use. The updated secondary data analysis with both academic literature and Internet information in stage 2 indicated that the perception gap has been converging, which should fix the twisted outcome and confirmed entering the slope of enlightment and plateau of productivity periods from the peak of inflated expectation and through of disillusionment periods in Gartner's Hype Cycle. This research contributes to the literature on using post-review to explore the evolution of RWD technology maturity by Hype Cycle, adopting a non-service technology application in switching barrier research, and supplementing the rare synthesis of TAM with switching barriers.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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