


Impact of Knowledge Transfer Performance on the Success of the ERP Implementation: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective


張定原(Ting-Yuan Chang);王銘德(Ming-Te Wang)


社會交換理論 ; 產業專門知識 ; 知識移轉績效 ; ERP導入成效 ; social exchange theory ; domain know how ; knowledge transfer performance ; success of the ERP implementation


Electronic Commerce Studies


15卷4期(2017 / 12 / 31)


535 - 561




近年來眾多企業藉由導入ERP系統提升公司的整體績效,而ERP系統導入過程中潛藏著許多成敗因子,其中產業專門知識(domain know how)的有效傳遞為關鍵成功因素之一。本研究目的在運用社會交換理論探討其各構面與知識移轉效率的關係,進而影響ERP系統導入之績效。透過理論推導、研究模型建立及問卷調查,共收回310份有效問卷。本研究假說驗證後顯示,溝通對影響力與互動品質為正向影響、影響力與互動品質對知識移轉績效為正向影響、互動品質正向影響知識移轉績效。本研究發現,產業專門知識的傳遞溝通在導入ERP系統的過程中是很重要的前因,透過影響互動品質及影響力等中介變項,進而影響產業專門知識的移轉績效,而產業專門知識移轉效果的良窳將顯著左右ERP系統的導入成果。


In recent years, many firms have used the implementation of an ERP system as a way to improve the overall efficiency of the firm; the process of implementing an ERP system contains multiple hidden success and failure factors of which the knowledge transfer of domain know how is one such key success factor. The objective of this research is to use the social exchange theory to explore the relationship between these factors and knowledge transfer performance in order to understand their impact on the success of the ERP implementation. By deducing from theories, constructing research models, and using surveys, a total of 310 valid responses were collected. It was discovered that among all hypotheses proposed, communication has a positive effect on influence and the quality of interactions, influence and quality of interactions has a positive effect on knowledge transfer performance, and quality of interactions has a positive effect on knowledge transfer performance. Research findings show that knowledge transfer of domain knows how a critical antecedent to the ERP implementation process is. Through intervening variables such quality of interactions and influence, this preceding variable strongly affects the performance of the knowledge transfer of domain know how which in turn determines the result of the ERP implementation.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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