


Value Co-Creation Facilitated by Mobile Payment: A Perspective from Merchant Behavior


蕭銘雄(Ming-Hsiung Hsiao)


行動支付 ; 價值鏈 ; 服務主導邏輯 ; 價值共創 ; mobile payment ; value chain ; service-dominant logic ; value co-creation


Electronic Commerce Studies


16卷3期(2018 / 09 / 30)


211 - 231






In the mobile payment value chain, both consumers and merchants play the role of users, but neither of them can dominate the entire mobile payment market. Although merchants are users of mobile payments, almost no research has been found in the literature on their adoption behavior. By literature reviews, this study explores how mobile payment can help co-create value for the players in the mobile payment value chain. In addition, it also identifies possible research directions towards how researchers can investigate merchants' adoption behavior, on topics including: (1) the interaction between the merchant users and developers of mobile payment systems, (2) merchants users' perception of various mobile payment methods, (3) competition between the mobile payment methods and other traditional payment methods such as cash and credit cards, and (4) the effect of the mobile payment adoption on the revenues and profits for merchants who have already adopted certain mobile payment methods. Merchants play an active role in facilitating value-co-creation in the mobile payment value chain, but have no control over the mobile payment market, a noticeable role worth exploring at great length. This study can be seen as a pioneering work on merchants' mobile payment adoption behavior which can be served as a basis for future research extension.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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