
Exploring the Effects of Social Media Advertisement on Purchase Intention




江義平(I-Ping Chiang);王怜惠(Ling-Hui Wang);楊婉伶(Wan-Ling Yang)


social media ; social media marketing ; social advertising ; information filtering ; internet marketing ; 社群媒體 ; 社群媒體行銷 ; 社群媒體廣告 ; 資訊過濾 ; 網路行銷


Electronic Commerce Studies


17卷3期(2019 / 09 / 30)


167 - 195




The surge of social network services not only increase personal interaction online, but also creates the new relationships among corporations and their targeted customers. Therefore, marketers focus on how to use social media and communicate with people for promoting their product and service. This study thus investigates purchase intention from the social advertising and social perceptions. Furthermore, it examines the regulating effects of different social media platforms (namely Facebook and Instagram) and brand types (namely experience goods and search goods) on advertising perception, social perception, advertising response, and purchase intention. With Facebook and Instagram users who have seen advertisements on these platforms as participants, this study adopts factor analysis to confirm the aforementioned perspectives by administering a survey created on the basis of a literature review. Moreover, the causal relationships among advertisement perception, social perception, advertising response, and purchase intention are verified through partial least squares analysis. The results suggest that in social media advertising, if users have high advertising perception and social perception, their advertising response and purchase intention would be high. Regarding Facebook advertising, our analysis revealed that if users perceive "information," "entertainment," "credibility," and "popularity" in advertising awareness and perceive "information availability" and "information filtering" in social awareness, the users' advertising response and purchase intention would be high. Similarly, regarding Instagram advertising, if users perceive "credibility" in advertising awareness and perceive "interactivity," "information availability," and "information filtering" in social awareness, the users' advertising response and purchase intention would be high. In addition, we analyzed brand type (i.e., experience goods vs search goods) and found that brand type has a moderating effect on the aforementioned relationships. Finally, on the basis of these findings, this paper presents in-depth conclusions and implications for social media advertising research and practice.


由於社群網路服務的興起,不僅增加了人與人之間不同的互動模式,還創造了企業與目標顧客的新關係。 因此,行銷人員如何透過社群媒體與人溝通,廣告的重要性以及成效也將成為企業關注的重要關注議題。本研究透過社群媒體廣告知覺、社群媒體社交知覺來探討社群媒體廣告的購買意圖,並進一步討論不同的社群媒體平台(Facebook與Instagram)、品牌種類(體驗品/搜尋品),在社群媒體廣告知覺、社群媒體社交知覺、廣告反應以及購買意圖會有什麼樣的調節效果。在本篇論文中,以曾看過Facebook與Instagram廣告的使用者作為研究對象,利用因素分析歸納並確認文獻探討所提出之因素構面,採用部分最小平方估計法 (PLS),驗證社群媒體廣告知覺、社群媒體社交知覺、廣告回應與購買意圖各構面間的因果關係。研究結果顯示,若使用者在社群媒體廣告上感知到廣告知覺與社交知覺越高時,皆能提高使用者的廣告回應與購買意圖;而根據分析結果指出,若使用者在Facebook社群媒體廣告上感知到廣告知覺中的資訊性、娛樂性、可信性、熱門性以及在社群媒體廣告上感知到社交知覺中的資訊可得性、資訊過濾會增強廣告回應和購買意圖;使用者在Instagram的廣告社群媒體廣告上感知到廣告知覺中的可信性以及在社群媒體廣告上感知到社交知覺中的互動性、資訊可得性、資訊過濾會增強廣告回應和購買意圖,此外本研究也針對品牌種類(體驗品/搜尋品)進行分析,且發現具有調節效果產生,因此本研究在最後提出結論與建議,作為未來社群媒體廣告相關研究與實際運作之參考依據。

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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