


A Study of the Dietary Habit of College Students with Different Body Image and Healthy Consciousness




林淑惠(Shu-Hui Lin);黃韞臻(Yun-Chen Huang)


健康認知 ; 飲食習慣 ; 體型認知 ; Healthy consciousness ; Dietary habit ; Body image




2卷5期(2010 / 01 / 01)


37 - 60




本研究目的主要在瞭解目前大學生的飲食習慣,將大學生的飲食習慣分成8個面向,並比較性別、自我體型和健康認知上不同的大學生其飲食習慣的差異。由中部地區隨機抽取1,200名學生,共得1,045份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為87.08%,利用SPSS12.0以及描述統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定等統計方法,獲致主要結論如下: (一)大學生對各面向的飲食習慣偏向於「偶爾如此」;33.2%的大學生自覺體型過胖;22.5%的大學生覺得自己健康狀況不佳。 (二)男女大學生在自我體型、健康的認知上存在顯著差異。 (三)男性大學生傾向於「過鹹飲食」和「燻漬發酵飲食」。 (四)自覺體型胖者較傾向於「節制飲食」及「高纖飲食」。 (五)自認健康良好者在「少油飲食」、「高纖飲食」及「補充飲食」上較注重。


The main purpose of this study was to understand the current dietary habit of college students. In this paper, the dietary habit was divided into eight aspects and students' dietary habits were compared with respect to different sex, body image and healthy consciousness. In this study, 1, 200 college students in Taichung district were collected as our research sample, and data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and t-test through SPSS 12.0 statistical analysis software. The major findings were as follows: (1) Students' dietary habit shows ”occasionally” in eight aspects. 33.2% of college students feel overweight and 22.5% feel unhealthy. (2) There exist significant differences in body image and health perception between male and female students. (3) Males tend to eat ”too salty” and ”smoked and fermentative” foods as compared with females. (4) Students with overweight perception are inclined to have ”dietary restraint” and ”high fiber diet”. (5) Students with good health perception favor ”low-fat foods”, ”high fiber diet” and ”dietary supplement” as compared with those having bad health perception.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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