


Compendious Analysis on Surviving Anthologies of Qin Music of the Ming Dynasty




賴慧玲(Hui-Ling Lai)


古琴 ; 古琴譜 ; 古琴藝術 ; 古琴美學 ; 明代琴論 ; guqin ; qinpu anthology of qin music' ; qin art ; qin aesthetics ; qin lun of the Ming Dynasty qin theories of the Ming Dynasty




2卷6期(2010 / 06 / 01)


25 - 61






Under the influence of the nobility's interest, publishing anthologies of qin music had been prevalent during the Ming Dynasty. By the mid-Ming Dynasty, there had been the separate phenomenon of qin compositions and qin theories; It wasn't until after the Jia-Jing period that qin compositions and theories were gradually blended. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty became the culminating and blooming period during which Chinese art theories of qin music developed and published flourishingly. Known at present, the basic documents, preserving the study of qin music of the Ming Dynasy, are mainly as follows: Yongle Qinshu Jicheng ('Yongle Collection of Qin Books'), compiled in 4 volumes, made on the orders of Ming Chengzu (the Yongle Emperor), now published by Xin Wen Feng Publisher, Taipei. Qin Qu Ji Cheng ('Grand Anthology of Qin Music'), in which the first volume was compiled at least forty kinds of qin anthologies of the Ming Dynasty, co-edited by Music Research Institute of Academy of Literature & Arts of the Ministry of Culture and the Beijing Qin Research Association, published by Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, China, and Gu Ren Qin Shuo Ji ('Anthology of the Ancients' Studies Related to Qin') in Qin Fu ('Anghology of qin music'), edited by Hong Kong qin player Tong Kin-Woon (Mandarin: Tang Jianyuan), was published by Lian Guan Publisher, Taipei. In Gu Ren Qin Shuo JI, he compiled studies in qin players and qin theories by eight qin masters of the Ming Dynasty. This essay aims at collating and analyzing the present preserving condition and general content of qin compositions and qin theories within the confines of the above conditions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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