


Treatise on Formation for Chastity Consciousness-Use Poetry Topics in Taiwan Chastity, Filial Piety, Moral Integrity and Martyrdom during Qing Dynasty as Example




曾玉惠(Yu-Huei Zeng);邱淑珍(Shu-Chen Chiu)


清代 ; 臺灣 ; 貞孝節烈詩歌 ; Qing Dynasty ; Taiwan ; Chastity consciousness




2卷6期(2010 / 06 / 01)


95 - 130




清代臺邑開墾初期,由於社會環境種種因素,諸如移墾生活的冒險與不確定感,男女人口比例懸殊以及政治教化尚未普及等,從而對婦女約束力較低,女性行為較為自由放任。然清據以來,官府施行種種嘉惠獎勵措施,文人為列女題詠著書推波助瀾,歷朝對婦德之教化與推崇,延續不絕,至中晚期,漢文化之貞節觀念,實已於臺邑生根茁壯,蔚為社會規範。故文人創作實為塑造婦女貞德觀念的重要機制。 本文試以清代貞孝節烈詩歌為研究文本,採用敘述觀點理論分析之,得出其以重覆出現的創作母題、烈婦主題的偏重、女性社會位階的提升、留名青史以及晉升為神祇等價值觀念的宣示,形塑清代臺灣貞節意識,從而表現出烈婦人物的雙性氣質、性別位階的移轉及民間信仰的融入等特性。


During early stage for pioneering in Taiwan area of Qing Dynasty, there existed various social and environmental factors such as: Low controlling measurements applied in distant border area by the government, the riskiness and uncertainty resulted from pioneering lifestyle, lopsided ratios between male and female population as well as non prevalence of political and educational cultures, etc; thus, the constraint toward female counterpart seemed to be minimal or nonexistent with more liberal and unchecked female behavior as a result. Nonetheless, since Qing occupation on this island, the government implemented all kinds of incentives; on the private sector, there were waves of books and publications championing the cause of female martyrdom. In addition, throughout ensuing administrations, the education and promotion for female virtue had been sustained and prospered as well. Up till late Qing dynasty, the virtue and martyrdom senses and ideas from Han culture managed to cling on as a grassroots movement with deeply rooted backgrounds. This was truly a social norm and standard, therefore, the creation from literary circle became the important mechanism in formulating the female chastity and virtue. This thesis intends to base upon the foundation of poetries well noted in Qing dynasty's chastity, filial piety, moral integrity and martyrdom to summarize the declarations of value and concept in aspects like recurrent creation main theme, its tilting toward to subject of female martyrdom, the female social status promotion, good legacy left behind in a historical sense as well as the elevation to deity level, etc, so as to further formulate the above mentioned into Taiwan chastity consciousness during Qing Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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