


Television News and the Analysis of Media Citizenship


許傳陽(Chuan-Yang Hsu)


媒介公民權 ; 日常生活 ; 電視新聞 ; 場域 ; field ; everyday life ; media citizenship ; TV news




3卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


41 - 62




資訊社會中的媒介公民權,向來是傳播學者所關切的議題,不同於媒介組織分析的研究進路,本研究試圖提出一個場域之研究取向意即:在全球化的背景下,試圖將地方新聞記者之採訪實踐置放在場域理論脈絡下,討論媒介公民權的實踐。從場域之概念出發,本文的研究目的在於探討文化生產架構下,資訊在建構媒體公民權上的功能與轉化,整體而言,以社會學者Castells所言的網絡產業概念(network enterprises),他認為資訊的全球傳播有助於建立一個不被地理因素支配的空間(the flow of space),並建構新的公共文化(如地方新聞有助於增進內容的多元性),本文認為以場域取向來研究地方新聞的傳播,有助於理解地方的空間(space of the place)之生產。


With an analysis of television local news and in-depth interviews, the author illustrate that there is strong degree of TV news presentation and the cultural practices of television's professionals and argues that field study of local news is shed a light on the production of local new organizations. Basing on relevant findings, institutional constraints of media citizenship come from the structural factors. In terms of producing the locality, the concept of media citizenship is about the construction of place in spaces; more importantly, the field of video materials uploaded by the amateur video makers, which has substituted the production dimension of media citizenship.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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