


"Huai-gu and Wang-gui"-Two Main Topics of Airscape Poetry in the Period of Wei-Jin


楊孟蓉(Meng-Jung Yang)


魏晉 ; 登覽 ; 懷古 ; 望歸 ; 透視 ; Wei-Jin ; Airscape Poetry ; Huai-gu ; Wang-gui ; Perspective




3卷4期(2015 / 05 / 01)


125 - 151






This thesis aims to explore two main topics of Airscape Poetry in the Period of Wei-Jin. The term of "登高作賦" initially meant the social interaction of literati for the political occasion in the ancient time. Over time people interpreted as the poets who compose poems up on the high mountains or express their thoughts to either entertain themselves or others. Going back to Wei-Jin literature, the events of climb, survey and so on, represented cultural activities that were documented abundantly in literature and historical records. No matter if climb buildings, hillsides or city gates, describe the situations of climbing uphill either intentionally or unintentionally that could lead the readers to extend their horizons to high mountains. In addition, they tend to entrust their perosnal feelings to nature scenery. From the literacy aspect, this kind of works related to "uphill" often goes through the process from seeing, and then feeling, and last with expounding. Within this writing style, poets describe the view from near to far that allows readers follow authors' paths to the mountains and ancient tall buildings. The two topics of "Huai-gu(懷古)" and "Wang-gui(望歸)" originate from the "uphill" writing style. The former can break the time limit which allow us to see through the historical incidents that happened long in the past while the latter break through the space limit which let us see our hometown directly. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the two main feelings, "Huai-gu(懷古)" and "Wang-gui(望歸)", which come up with literati of Wei-Jin when they climb uphill and look forward. In addition, to further discuss how the emotional attitude of the poets within.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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