


The Role of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau in Japan’s Defense Policies


吳明上(Ming-Shan Wu)


內閣法制局 ; 自衛權 ; 個別自衛權 ; 集體自衛權 ; 憲法解釋 ; Cabinet Legislation Bureau ; right of self-defense ; right ofindividual self-defense ; right of collective self-defense ; Constitutional interpretation




3卷5期(2016 / 05 / 01)


105 - 130






Two perspectives are generally used when analyzing defense policies adopted by Japan, in which the first investigates changes in Japan's defense policies using secured environments surrounding Japan or Asia-Pacific strategies employed by the United States, whereas the second explains defense policy-related decisions using Japan's ruling party, prime minister's intentions behind such policies, or oppositions between the ruling and opposition parties. In this study, we investigated the role and impact of Japan's Cabinet Legislation Bureau on Japan's defense policies. After the Second World War, Japan changed its military composition and signed the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security with the United States, stipulating that military forces not be used as a means of settling international disputes, that the right of belligerency be abolished, and that Japan withdraw its military forces (i.e., ground forces, navy, and air force), all of which have been promulgated in and implemented as the Constitution of Japan. In other words, Japan’s building of defense forces and US-Japan security systems are controlled by Japan constitutional laws, and the building of such forces in Japan may result in disputes concerning violations of such laws. When this occurs, the Cabinet Legislation Bureau plays a crucial role in resolving such disputes. Director-general of the Cabinet Legislation is a civil servant with special duties. He/she is a member of the cabinet who is appointed and dismissed by the prime minister and who has obligations to support Cabinet policies. Concurrently, the Cabinet Legislation director-general serves as the legal counsel of the Cabinet and normally does not change when the Cabinet changes; he/she is thus politically independent and neutral. Therefore, the Cabinet Legislation Bureau plays a critical role when significant changes are made to Japan's defense policies. In this study, we first provided a description of Japan's Cabinet Legislation Bureau. Next, we analyzed the authority of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau. Finally, we explained the political role of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau by examining the relaxation of Japan's policy regarding exercising the right of collective self-defense.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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