


The Geography of Conflict: The Influence of the Rising China Seapower and the Evolution of Japan's National Security Strategy from the Perspective of Geography


黃玉洤(Huang, Yu-Chuan)


攻勢現實主義 ; 地緣政治 ; 東北亞 ; 戰略海峽 ; 遏制點 ; 集體自衛權 ; Offensive Realism ; Geopolitics ; Northeast Asia ; Geostrategic straits ; Choke point ; Collective Self-Defense




3卷6期(2017 / 05 / 01)


99 - 136






In recent years, the maritime claims between China and Japan have increasingly arisen such as the dispute about the Diaoyutai Islands (or the Senkaku Islands), the China vessel crossing the region of Ryukyu Islands, and the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone). Seemingly, the conflict of the "National Strategy" on the two sides is related to the national interests deriving from the marine sovereignty, marine economy and resources. As a matter of fact, these disputes result from the intrinsic quality of the marine geography and geopolitics in Northeast Asia. Although Japan and China are situated in Northeast Asia, Japan is a country of islands and China is a country of land with a long stretch of coastline. Once China's military power is on the rise, especially in the Sea Power, it would challenge the core of national interests of Japan. Furthermore, it would change the maritime order in East Asia after the First Sino-Japan War in 1894. In other words, the international relations of different phases have an impact on the balance of power. Thus, the sea-power against land-power in traditional geopolitics will dynamically change with international events. Therefore, the above understanding, which makes Japan rethink over its national security strategy, in turn, causes not only the transformation of the geopolitics of Northeast Asia but also the conflict of the marine geography.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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