


Patronizing Speech in News Interviews: A Further Discussion of the Reporter-Source Interaction




蘇惠君(Hui-Chun Su);臧國仁(Kuo-Jen Tsang)


世代研究 ; 老年研究 ; 施惠語言 ; 語言過度調整 ; 談話適應理論 ; 溝通適應理論 ; life-span studies ; aging research ; patronizing speech ; speech accommodation theory ; communication accommodation theory




6期(2004 / 12 / 01)


105 - 155




本研究以世代(老人)研究中的「施惠語言」(patronizing speech)概念探究記者與消息來源進行互動時是否受到刻板印象影響而調整語言策略,並以四個新聞訪問個案進行言說分析,輔以深入訪談藉以了解記者對消息來源之外表生理特質刻板印象、對彼此關係之認知,從而討論此些變項與「施惠語言」之關聯性,包括「娃娃腔式談話」、「屈就或過分私密談話」、「命令或直接談話」、「膚淺或無關痛癢談話」等四類。本研究並提出相關命題,建議未來針對年齡與性別與施惠語言之互動形式進行驗證性分析。


The purpose of this study aims to continue the plethora of earlier research on the reporter-source interaction by exploring how the interaction is made possible through the process of accommodated communication. The concept of ”patronizing speech,” well-known in the aging studies, was adopted to discuss how the reporter changes the speech strategy in news interviews by using either the so-called ”secondary baby talk” or overly personal talk.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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