


Craftsmanship at the Digital Age: An Analytical Framework




鍾蔚文(Wei-Wen Chung);陳百齡(Pai-Lin Chen);陳順孝(Shun-Hsiao Chen)


技藝 ; 數位 ; 物質性 ; 機緣 ; 活動 ; 體現之行 ; 工具 ; craftsmanship ; digital ; materiality ; affordance ; activity ; embodied interaction ; tool




10期(2006 / 12 / 01)


233 - 264






This paper proposes a framework in which to examine craftsmanship in the digital age. Past research tends to be plagued by an undue emphasis on Cartesian dichotomies such the division between mind and object, society and individual and is thus unable to offer feasible solutions to practical problems. To remedy this problem, this paper, drawing on our past research on expertise and relevant bodies of literature, contends that we need to make several epistemological turns before we plunge into empirical research. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part will elaborate on the three turns we have made in the investigation of digital craftsmanship. To be brief, we argue that the study of digital craftsmanship should turn to interaction with tool, embodied interaction and activity. Following on these turns, we proceed to characterize digital craftsmanship along three dimensions: materiality, affordance, craftsmanship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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