


The Discourse of Information Literacy: An Application of Biographical Method




張煜麟(Yu-Lin Chang)


資訊素養 ; 電腦素養 ; 傳記研究法 ; 敘述訪談 ; information literacy ; computer literacy ; biographical method ; narrative interview




11期(2007 / 06 / 01)


155 - 207




本文從論域分析的觀點,探討資調素養者(information literate)如何形成的歷程。全文將資訊素養者的形成歷程區分為初期論域、次級論域與後設論域的三階段,配合敘述訪談(narrative interview)研究法,蒐集六位女性資訊素養者的生命故事,進行文本分析。最終,本文指出四項資調素養者的論域特徵:(1)理解資訊科技所具有的中介陸質;(2)形成使用資訊工具的認知圖象;(3)重新詮釋電腦汰舊的意涵;(4)無目的地的享受電腦遊戲的愉悅。


This paper examines how a person becomes information literate, as revealed by their discourses. Drawing on the perspective of discourse analysis and social practices theory, this paper divides the developmental process into the following stages: initial discourses, secondary discourses and meta-Discourses. This paper finds that literacy in information is characterized by the following, namely, perception of the mediational property of technology, mental map of computer use, reinterpretation of the used computer, and finally a pleasure-seeking approach to computer use.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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