


Rethinking Media Education Curriculum: A Reflection on Digitalization




許瓊文(Chiung-Wen (Julia) Hsu)


媒體教育 ; 數位媒體 ; 數位化 ; 媒體匯流 ; 實習媒體 ; media education ; digitalization ; media convergence ; digital media ; campus media ; action research




11期(2007 / 06 / 01)


3 - 47






The trend of media convergence has prompted us to revisit those fundamental questions of journalism and mass communication education, namely, how to teach, what to teach, who to teach and why. The author, using action research methodology, participated in a campus media curriculum design for digitalization, executed it for two years and evaluated the curriculum. By analyzing and comparing the students' weekly reports and the curriculum commit-tee's meeting records, this study re-affirms the necessity to maintain the cores of traditional curriculum characterized by its emphasis on news gathering skills and specialization. However, the study also leads us to rethink the ethical and legal problems brought forth by digital media. More importantly, with a view to benefiting from new communication technology, it is necessary to change the mind-set toward technology, which is more than mere skills.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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