


The Artificial Aura in the Age of Digital Reproduction




陳志賢(Chih-Hsien Chen)


文化工業 ; 法蘭克福學派 ; 數位複製 ; 靈光 ; 班雅明 ; cultural industry ; the Frankfurt School ; digital reproduction ; aura ; Walter Benjamin




12期(2007 / 12 / 01)


215 - 251






Based upon Walter Benjamin’s critique of disappearing aura, this paper explores the morphogenesis of contemporary cultural industry and the strategies that have been employed to cope with the capitalist crises which have become more pronounced since the 1970s. The analysis reveals that, contrary to Benjamin’s prediction, the aura of the cultural industry has not been taken shine off thanks to the emphasis on virtual property rights, to the virtual exploitation of audience, and to the virtual production network of digital content, and to the hyper-real effects of digital texts. The articulation of aura and commodity fetishism in the age of digital reproduction has, however, cracked open a space for democratic struggles regardless of the re-created distance between enchanted cultural works and the audience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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