


Academic Practice under the Quantitative Evaluation System




李紅濤(Hong-Tao Li)


數量化學術評鑒 ; 學術發表 ; 獎懲機制 ; 契合關係 ; 傳播學術教育 ; quantitative evaluation ; scholarly publication ; reward and punishment system ; conformity ; academic education in communication




13期(2008 / 06 / 01)


181 - 219






Based on the in-depth interview data, this paper examines how graduate students in China study and do research, subject to the constraints of the current evaluation system, which is dominated by quantitative criteria. This paper found that the reward system in graduate school hinges on the quantitative evaluation of publication. The graduate life thus focuses upon seeking publications. This kind of interaction among students, quantitative evaluation, and scholarly publication system has resulted in a variety of rent-seeking activities. By placing undue emphasis on ”seeking publication”, this system also marginalizes the importance of academic training.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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