


Comparing Effects of Single and Multiple Media Repetition




張郁敏(Yuh-Miin Chang)


多重媒體 ; 消息來源擴大理論 ; 媒體策略 ; 漸減 ; 廣告重複 ; multiple media ; source magnification theory ; media strategy ; wearout ; advertising repetition




14期(2008 / 12 / 01)


231 - 265






This study compared the effectiveness between single and multiple media repetition through a set of lab experiments. The findings revealed several interesting results. First, multiple media repetition leads to significantly higher attention than the counterpart after four exposures of a message. Attention did not wear out from two to four exposures for the multiple media conditions but wore out significantly for the single medium conditions. Both repetition strategies yielded similar level of motivation to process after four exposures, and maintained similar level of motivation from two to four exposures. Finally, although two strategies generated similar attitude toward the advertisement after four exposures, single medium repetition significantly wore out from two to four exposures while the counterpart did not.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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