


Identity Resistance Strategies in Daily Conversation: A Study of "Taike" Identity Discourse on the "Wretch" Blog




曹開明(Kai-Ming Tsao);黃鈴媚(Lin-Mei Huang)


台客認同抗拒 ; 言說行動理論 ; 認同抗拒策咯 ; 論述分析 ; Taike identity resistance ; speech act theory ; identity resistance strategies ; discourse analysis




14期(2008 / 12 / 01)


31 - 75






While people engage in ”identity” discourses, which may originate from themselves or others, they may consent to or resist these identities conferred on them. Based on the speech act theory, the present study regards identity resistance discourse as a kind of speech acts. By analyzing the discourse of ”Taike” identity discourse in the ”Wretch” blog, the study tries to examine the strategies employed to resist identities conferred on discourses. This paper contends that identity construction, instead of two clear-cut steps, identity construction and deconstruction, is much more complicated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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