


Internet Use Motivations, Perceived Credibility of Online Information, and Decision-Making




盧鴻毅(Hung-Yi Lu);侯心雅(Hsin-Ya Hou);陳姿蓓(Tzu-Pei Chen);林玫均(Mei-Chun Lin);李政忠(Cheng-Chung Lee)


網路使用動機 ; 可信度評價 ; 決策參考 ; internet use motivation ; perceived credibility ; decision-making




16期(2009 / 12 / 01)


255 - 285






This study aims to explore the influence of Internet use motivations on perceived credibility of online information and the impact of perceived credibility of online information on decision-making. 641 Internet users, recruited through an online survey, completed the questionnaire. After controlling demographic variables (e.g., gender, age and income), ”social interaction” and ”information-seeking” motivations significantly and positively predicted perceived credibility of online information, while there was no statistically significant relationship between ”entertainment” motivation and perceived credibility of online information. This study also found that perceived credibility of online information significantly and positively predicted decision-making.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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