


Judges in Different Fields of Mass Media: A Study on a Singing-Contest Program




黃靖惠(Jing-Huey Hwang)


文化資訊 ; 場域 ; 資本 ; 歌唱競賽節目 ; 網路論述 ; cultural information ; singing-contest program ; capital ; field ; online discourse




17期(2010 / 06 / 01)


173 - 205






This study analyzed the most popular singing-contest TV program in Taiwan. We explored (1) the cultural information of audiences criticizing the judges of the program, (2) the response of the program production unit; and (3) the competition and interaction between the ”TV field” and ”Internet field.” The study found that the people in the ”Internet field” possess moderate amounts of cultural capital and strive for more cultural, social, and symbolic capital. Those in the ”TV field” strove for more economic and symbolic capital. This paper presents partial modifications to the illustration by Bourdieu.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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