


Framing of Scientific Development and Risks: A News Analysis of Genetically Modified Foods in Taiwan




謝君蔚(Jiun-Wei Hsieh);徐美苓(Mei-Ling Hsu)


風險社會 ; 風險傳播 ; 框架分析 ; 基因改造食品 ; 新聞再現 ; risk society ; risk communication ; framing analysis ; genetically modified food ; news representation




20期(2011 / 12 / 01)


143 - 179






This study explores the frames and trends of news coverage of genetically modified foods (GMOs) in Taiwan. By conducting both a content analysis and a framing analysis of GMO news stories from the two mainstream print media, ”United Daily” and ”China Times” from January 1994 to December 2006, this study discovered that scientists and government officials are the predominant sources, whereas descriptions from scientific reports are the most frequently used framing devices in news discourse. Even stories framed as human hazards revealed scientific evidence used to confirm the risk probability generated from science. By deconstructing the implications of news discourse, this study hopes to provide insights into issues particularly related to genetically modified foods, and to highlight the vital role news media play in risk society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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