


Paradigm Shift of Indigenous Science Education: Analysis of the TV Science Program "Little Science Hunters" from Multicultural Education Perspectives




李瑛(Ying Lee);黃惠萍(Hui-Ping Huang)


多元文化科學 ; 多元文化教育 ; 《科學小原子》 ; 原住民科學 ; 電視科普節目 ; multicultural science ; multicultural education ; "Little Science Hunters" ; indigenous science ; TV science program




20期(2011 / 12 / 01)


181 - 227






Modern science emphasizes universality but often overlooks its social and cultural contexts. The emergence of multiculturalism has created the advocacy of both native and multicultural sciences. Based on multicultural education perspectives, this study analyzes the content of the indigenous TV science program ”Little Science Hunters”, as well as the ideas of its production team. Results show that:1. The program adopts the ”culturally responsive pedagogy” approach, emphasizing indigenous cultural identity, as well as inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. The program aims to empower indigenous people and increase their self-confidence and cultural awareness.2. The TV production team must negotiate with different informational resources to construct interpretative frameworks of the program. The science group helps to transform and reveal scientific theories embedded in indigenous people's traditional knowledge, and the indigenous group helps to represent traditional knowledge.3. The program features generally reflect the ideas of the production team.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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