


A Narrative Perspective of News Interviewing: A Theoretical Proposal




臧國仁(Kuo-Jen Tsang);蔡琰(Yean Tsai)


生命故事 ; 自我 ; 自傳式敘述 ; 敘事 ; 新聞訪問 ; life stories ; the self ; autobiographical accounts ; narrative ; news interviews




21期(2012 / 06 / 01)


3 - 30




有感於一般新聞記者從事訪問工作習從受訪者索取訊息以能迅速完成報導任務,問答雙方時生間隙甚至衝突,本文建議另闢蹊徑,改從「敘事觀點」(narrative perspective)提供與先前不同卻也互補之訪問定義與理論切點。本文認為,除了一些受到截稿時間所限之訪問外,新聞訪問亦可視為一段「對話」(dialogic)過程,記者與受訪者雙方各自(多由記者啟動)整理記憶後將其人生經驗組合成為有情節、有系統、有連貫性之自傳式生命故事敘述。


This study proposes a narrative model of news interviews. In contrast to the traditional information-oriented approach, which overemphasizes the reporter's contributive role during news interviews, we suggest considering this process a continual dialogue between the news reporter (interviewer) and the respondent (interviewee), with the discursive goal of improving the communicative relationship. Based on previous studies of narrative theories, we consider the conversational information exchanged during news interviews to be life stories that are explored from autobiographical memory and reiterated coherently using appropriate words/sentences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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