


Why Convergence? An Analysis and Critique of Television News Coverage from the Perspective of New Media Technology in Taiwan




林照真(Chao-Chen Lin)


新媒體 ; 新聞聚合 ; 新聞專業 ; 電視 ; 聚合 ; new media ; journalism convergence ; journalism professionalism ; television ; convergence




23期(2013 / 06 / 01)


3 - 40






The important issue of media convergence has been debated in the digital age, but is a topic that is rarely discussed regarding the convergence of journalism between television news and new media information, which has occurred in Taiwan. This study addresses the development from 2 perspectives, television news texts and its news practice, through the concept of ”new media technology.” For 2 months we analyzed the content of seven 24-h television news channels that run between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM, and conducted in-depth interviews with television news reporters and producers to examine how new media information has been incorporated in traditional television coverage. The results indicate that new media information has been overused, and has become the source of sensational news in traditional television. The goal of convergence journalism is to target the audience with advertising and to reap economic benefits, which deteriorates the professionalism of television reporting and editing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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