


Who Tuned the Tones of Taiwan's Cinemas?-A Network Approach




林世強(Shyh-Chyang Lin)


柯俊雄 ; 無尺度 ; 電影 ; 網絡 ; Ko Chun-Hsiung ; scale free ; movie ; network




25期(2014 / 06 / 01)


223 - 249






The evolution of the movie industry can be delineated by observing the evolution of directors and actors. This study explored movie network characteristics to identify the central figures in the Taiwan movie industry. Taiwanese-speaking actors have created a small network that intersects with a large Mandarin-speaking network, forming a broad Taiwan movie network. According to this formation, most central actors speak Mandarin, and Taiwanese-speaking actors are peripheral. Ko Chun-Hsiung and Yu Han Shiang are central figures in the actor and director networks, respectively, probably because they are able to cross the language barrier and, thus, have numerous opportunities to participate in filming projects. Dominant actors are mostly supporting actors that shape the acting environments of filming, and are crucial stars in the Taiwan movie industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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