
眾聲喧嘩即倫理實踐:從Mikhail Bakhtin的語藝觀談起


Heteroglossia as the Practice of Ethics: A Perspective on Rhetoric from Mikhail Bakhtin




王孝勇(Hsiao-Yung Wang)


巴赫汀 ; 外在對話性 ; 倫理實踐 ; 眾聲喧嘩 ; 語藝 ; 諧擬展演 ; Mikhail Bakhtin ; outer dialogicity ; the practice of ethics ; heteroglossia ; rhetoric ; parodic performance




26期(2014 / 12 / 01)


137 - 173




本研究旨在從Mikhail Bakhtin的語藝觀,就眾聲喧嘩作為倫理實踐進行理論建構。首先,透過將眾聲喧嘩饒富辯證性與烏托邦色彩的倫理向度,本研究勾勒其語藝觀具體展現為詰問的必要性、倡議的有限/效性以及行動的策略性。其次,藉由Bakhtin複調小說作者與主角在外在對話性中重塑話語階層的主張,並進一步接合Butler的諧擬展演,本研究指出語藝言者策略性地依附於社會規約,但又能伺機暴露既定文化的強迫性與暴力性,即是眾聲喧嘩作為倫理實踐的語藝動能。


This study argues that heteroglossia should be regarded as the practice of ethics theoretically, based on Mikhail Bakhtin's perspective of rhetoric. This paper outlines dialectics and utopianism by referring to the necessity of rejoinder, the limitedness/effectiveness of advocacy, and the strategy of action inherent in the rhetoric of heteroglossia. Furthermore, a possible path is explored for practicing the ethics of heteroglossia by articulating Bakhtin's stratifications of language, as implicated in the outer dialogicity of polyphonic novels and Judith Butler's parodic performance. This study concludes that the ethics of heteroglossia might be embodied by temporary attachment to social prohibition; hereafter, the compulsory and contingent category of the pregiven cultural norms could be strategically disclosed through the rhetorical act of rhetor furthermore.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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