


Covering Postdisaster Reconstruction in an Indigenous Village: Cross-Ethnicity and Cross-Sector Cooperation and Empowerment




洪貞玲(Chen-Ling Hung)


災難傳播 ; 社區媒介 ; 莫拉克颱風 ; 跨文化傳播 ; 跨部門合作 ; 賦權 ; community communication ; cross-sector cooperation ; disaster communication ; empowerment ; intercultural communication ; Typhoon Morakot




28期(2015 / 12 / 01)


197 - 236






This study reviewed a news coverage project of postdisaster reconstruction in Taiwu, Pingtung County, after Typhoon Morakot. The project is conducted through cross-ethnic and cross-sector cooperation between university students in Taipei and the residents of Taiwu. By collaborating with the residents, the students produce news stories and provide opportunities to the victims to share their disaster experiences and reconstruction efforts, thus filling the gap in reconstruction information available through mainstream media. By applying the principle of community communication, which highlights the importance of participation and empowerment, this study found that project participants learn in the participatory process. The outcomes of learning and empowerment include the enhancement of capabilities, enforcement of identity, increased empathy between different cultures and ethnic groups, and increased opportunities for communication and dialogue.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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