


Patterns of Public Support for Policies Related to Climate Change




徐美苓(Mei-Ling Hsu);施琮仁(Tsung-Jen Shih)


公眾參與 ; 風險傳播 ; 氣候變遷 ; 電話調查 ; 環境信念 ; public engagement ; risk communication ; climate change ; telephone survey ; environmental belief




28期(2015 / 12 / 01)


239 - 278






This study examined the level of public support for various policies related to climate change as well as the underlying factors shaping public attitudes toward climate change. The results of a nationally representative sample of 1,007 people indicated that Taiwanese people supported four of the six policies investigated in this study. In contrast to imposing an energy tax and developing a nuclear power plant, which were accepted by less than 50% of the respondents, all other policies attained high acceptance ratings (80% ~ 95%). Public support for developing a nuclear power plant was swayed by people’s political orientation. However, reframing the nuclear power issue was more effective for people who were politically independent than for those with a specific political orientation. Further regression analysis revealed that the factors predicting various policy issues differed, indicating that people have varying attitudes toward climate change policies. According to the findings of this study, the differential patterns of policy support are explained, and recommendations are proposed for both research and practical purposes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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