


The Analysis and Critique on the Role of Newspapers through Convergence: A Case Study of 4 Mainstream Newspapers in Taiwan




林照真(Chao-Chen Lin)


聚合 ; 跨媒體 ; 新聞 ; 報紙 ; 科技 ; convergence ; cross-media ; news ; newspaper ; technology




28期(2015 / 12 / 01)


3 - 34






Newspaper is seen as an old media and will be replaced by new media. Facing the fragmented audience and markets in the developing digital age, newspapers become the central of cross media of unique media company to practice cross-media convergence. This paper tries to figure out how the 4 traditional newspaper companies have related to the possibilities of media convergence in Taiwan. This paper compares convergence strategies among the 4 newspaper companies and with the in-depth interviews of their employed journalists. This paper tries to evaluate the practical operation of journalism convergence in terms of 4 media companies in Taiwan. The core of this paper is about how the influence of journalism convergence needs to be critically assessed against the actual in developments in media industries. This paper suggests journalism convergence will reinforce the economic manipulation of media owners and hurt journalism in the digital age.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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