


The Dance of Change: Traditional Media Group Leads in Key Performance Indicators in Human Resources Management




徐國淦(Kuo-Kan Hsu);于俊傑(Chin-Cheh Yu);余鑑(Chien Yu)


匯流 ; 組織變革 ; 轉型領導 ; 關鍵績效指標 ; 聯合報 ; convergence ; organizational change ; key performance indicator (KPI) ; transformational leadership ; the United Daily News Group




28期(2015 / 12 / 01)


35 - 78




本研究主要探討台灣傳統紙媒《聯合報》系面臨變革轉型過程中,導入關鍵績效指標(Key Performance Indicator,以下簡稱KPI)績效管理辦法,引發的危機及解決的途徑。研究發現:媒體產業跨足採訪、編輯、攝影、影音、發行、業務、印刷及行政等多個單位,企業組織與一般產業不盡相同,推動KPI 績效考核時,如何強化同仁間及跨平台團隊協力合作,落實公平考核,發揮綜效功能,相關制度設計宜更審慎周延。


This study explored how a traditional Taiwanese media group, the United Daily News Group, leads in key performance indicators (KPIs), the performance assessment, which causes the crises, and identifies solutions. The study found that the media industry differs from conventional industries. When promulgating KPIs, companies should be restrained and cautious, strengthen the cooperation among colleagues and across teams, and implement an impartial assessment system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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