


Hedonism as a Driving Force: Exploring Online Shopping as a Form of Media Entertainment




張卿卿(Chingching Chang)


娛樂 ; 媒體 ; 傳播資料庫 ; 網路購物 ; 雙歧態度 ; entertainment ; media ; Taiwan Communication Survey ; online shopping ; ambivalent attitude




29期(2016 / 06 / 01)


3 - 43




本研究從「享樂觀點」探討網路購物的享樂功能。以台灣傳播調查資料庫2013 全台面訪資料為基礎,研究結果顯示:一、網路購物者相較於非網路購物者,其上網娛樂動機較高;二、本研究耙梳出四大觀點的網路購物信念(「享樂觀點」、「經濟觀點」、「自由觀點」與「避險觀點」),並發現「享樂觀點」相關信念對於網路購物態度與網路購物行為的預測力最高;三、當「享樂觀點」信念與認知相關信念(「經濟觀點」、「自由觀點」與「避險觀點」)歧異度高時,會抑制網購態度。


Drawing on the concept of hedonism determination, this paper explores the hedonic functions of online shopping. Data from the 2013 Taiwan Communication Survey revealed three critical findings. First, people who use the Internet for entertainment are more likely to shop online. Second, among the four perspectives (i.e., economy, free-ofconstraints, risk aversion, and hedonism), hedonism was the most accurate predictor of online shopping. Third, when affective beliefs (hedonismrelated beliefs) conflicted with cognitive beliefs derived from the economic, free-of-constraints, and risk aversion perspectives, people were less likely to shop online.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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