


Public Support and Intended Use of Renewable Energy: An Exploratory Model of Environmental Belief, Actions, and Communication




徐美苓(Mei-Ling Hsu)


主動傳播 ; 再生能源 ; 行動效能 ; 環境行動 ; 環境信念 ; active communication ; renewable energy ; action efficacy ; environmental behavior ; environmental belief




32期(2017 / 12 / 01)


9 - 44






This study investigated factors contributing to public support for and intention to adopt renewable energy. A nationwide telephone survey was conducted on a representative sample of Taiwanese adults. The results indicated that cognitive evaluation of the energy issue and environmental belief were positively related to support for renewable energy. However, environmental behaviors and action efficacy positively predicted intention to use renewable energy. The predicted power of active communication, such as taking the initiative to seek relevant information and share it with others, was stronger than that of information diversity on both support and use intention. Generally, the study revealed the value of including active engagement -- related factors when promoting subjects that entail environmental norms broader than mere appeal to self-interest, such as renewable energy. This paper hopefully elucidates research and practices that enhance public engagement in energy decisions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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