


The Internet and the News: Changing Temporal Practices of Journalism and Their Implications




王淑美(Sumei Wang)


時間 ; 速度 ; 新聞 ; 新聞價值 ; 網際網路 ; 實踐 ; time, speed ; journalism ; news value ; internet ; practices




33期(2018 / 06 / 01)


65 - 98






Journalism seeks high-speed practices and is often described as an occupation that races against time. Communication technologies such as the Internet and smartphones have exacerbated this behavior, which affects news production. Numerous scholars have argued that the Internet has made immediacy the prime goal of journalism, which has damaged its virtue. Whether the Internet has deteriorated the quality of journalism has yet to be determined. Few studies have investigated journalistic practices involving the Internet. Upon a review of the literature, this study discussed "a fetishism of the present" in journalism. Furthermore, through in-depth interviews and observations of experienced news and media workers, this study examined the changes in temporal orders in news production, as well as journalists'work strategies and reflexive thoughts regarding news values in the age of the Internet.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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