


True or Fake: Audience Perspectives on the Truthfulness of Animated News




江靜之(Ching-Chih Chiang)


技術真實 ; 動畫新聞 ; 媒材 ; 感官真實 ; 新聞真實 ; 實證真實 ; animated news ; empirical truth ; modality ; news truthfulness ; sensory truth ; technological truth




34期(2018 / 12 / 01)


3 - 34






By conducting 40 in-depth interviews with viewers who had been asked to watch animated news, produced by the NMA (Next Media Animation), this study explored audience definitions of news as well as their evaluations and expectations regarding the truthfulness of animated news. The results indicated that viewers tended to interpret animated news and evaluate its truthfulness based on common sense, personal experiences, news organization, intertextuality, news types, and source authority, rather than the animations themselves. Moreover, with the exception of a specific group who expressed favorable opinions regarding animated news, most viewers paid little attention to these animations. The majority of audiences perceive the aim of news animations to be entertainment, symbolism, and emphasis. Animation used in news is considered a type of re-enactment or simulation of the oral narration generated by a voice over. Moreover, animation is expected to convey sensory or technological truth rather than empirical truth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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