


When News Meets Social Media: Journalistic Practice in the Field of Ambient Media




郭文平(Wen-Ping Kuo)


場域理論 ; 新聞實踐 ; 資本 ; 慣習 ; 瀰漫媒介 ; ambient media ; capital ; field theory ; habitus ; journalistic practice




34期(2018 / 12 / 01)


35 - 80






Ambient media, with its broad, asynchronous, lightweight, and "always on" characteristics, has been integrated into the everyday lives of media consumers. The field of digital journalism has established a new relationship with the field of ambient media. Based on French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's field theory, this paper explores the production practice of digital journalism in the field of ambient media with analytical angles ranging from the individual to organizational level. By interviewing 30 news workers, this study discovered that the structuring of a "social media habitus," which promotes the pursuit of "consumer capital," achieved a legitimated status in the field of ambient media. The criteria for judging news values with respect to quantitativeness is therefore re-enforced through the practice of news production.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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