


"Just Sexy, Not Slutty": Selfies, Sexualization, and the Boundary Making Practices among Female Social Media Users




康庭瑜(Ting-Yu Kang)


自拍 ; 性化 ; 性別 ; 社群媒體 ; 後女性主義 ; 蕩婦羞辱 ; selfies ; sexualization ; gender ; social media ; postfeminism ; slut-shaming




35期(2019 / 06 / 01)


125 - 158






This study explores how young women respond to the contradicting norms which regulate their production of selfies. On the one hand, it is an increasingly normative practice for young women to engage in self-sexualization on social media. On the other hand, the disciplinary gaze of slut shaming has continued to regulate women's everyday expressions of sexuality. Based on semi-structured interviews, this study demonstrates how women develop various techniques of sexualization in order to respond to both norms, which reproduces rather than challenges the binary distinction between sluts and good women. Firstly, they tend to produce sexy photos with cultural capital cues, which serves to position their photos outside the social category of sluts. Secondly, de-sexualization is also a crucial technique. Photos are perceived as proper sexiness (i.e. not slutty) only when they are not considered linked to sexual desires.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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