


Media Citizenship in Taiwan: Media Use and the Needs of Ethnic Television among the New Immigrants in Taiwan




蔡珮(Pei Tsai)


台灣新住民 ; 移民媒體 ; 族群電視台 ; 媒介公民權 ; 傳播權 ; new immigrants in Taiwan ; immigrant media ; ethnic television ; media citizenship ; communication rights




35期(2019 / 06 / 01)


43 - 86






The study explored the practice of media citizenship among new immigrants in Taiwan. Based on face-to-face interviews with 400 new immigrants, this study found that more than 70% of new immigrants think Taiwan should establish a specialized television station for new immigrants and migrant workers. The channel should be accessible via both TV and the Internet. The preferred language and subtitles combination for the programs is the immigrants' mother tongue language with Chinese subtitles. The practice of media citizenship among new immigrants and migrant workers in Taiwan must employ a cultural hybridity approach to compensate for the problems of essentialism and unawareness of class differences that can occur from multiculturalism. Media citizenship can also be improved using a model of multiple publics. Every ethnic group in Taiwan should be entitled to equal access to public broadcasting services in their own language.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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