


The Communication Construction Facilitated by the Boxer Indemnity before and after the Outbreak of Sino-Japanese War




周琇環(Hsiu-Huan Chou)


中英庚款會 ; 粵漢鐵路 ; 首都渡輪 ; 孫科 ; 淩鴻勛 ; the Boxer Indemnity ; the Kwangtung-Hanko Railroad ; the Capital Ferry ; Sun Ko ; Ling Hung-hsun




5期(2005 / 03 / 01)


161 - 208




抗戰前後南京國民政府(以下簡稱國府)的交通建設,實際上是在萬般困難的經濟情勢下發展的。因為戰前十年間,國府收支入不敷出,財政赤字呈直線上升。民國17年至25年,九年之間,各會計年度的財政年平均赤字額為1.7億,約占年平均財政支出的20.7%。在經濟實力不強的情況下,本時期國府只得利用庚款發行內債、地方政府籌集資金、民間自籌資金外資等方式,進行交通建設。 因此,抗戰前十年間英國退還的庚款,對國府而言,是交通建設的重要經費來源之一。英國退還庚款案,在民國19年9月19日、22日,經雙方換文而確定。民國20年3月3日,再經英國國會三讀通過、英皇批准。正式轉交南京國府後,成為訓政建設的經費之一。中英庚款會依據換文規定,將退還庚款全部的三分之二(理論退還值約共7,457,698鎊),用於抗戰前後國民政府的交通建設,所挹注的項目包括:鐵道建設、航運事業、電訊事業等等。 本文主旨,係討論英國退還庚款的用途及分配情形為何?其對訓政時期交通事業的挹注有那些?各項建設在抗戰時期發揮的功效如何?這些投資對國府國力的增強作用有多大?以及說明中英庚款會對於抗戰前後中國交通事業的貢獻。


The communication construction before and after the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War by the National Government of Nanking was extremely difficult. During 1928-1936, the National Government experienced a yearly deficit of 1.7 billion, 20.7% of national expenditure. Under such circumstances, in order to boost national construction the National Government could not but issue bonds by means of the Boxer Indemnity, and urged local governments and people to raise funds otherwise. Thus, the Boxer Indemnity reimbursed by the British Government was one of the important resources for the National Government to embark on communication construction. The return of the Boxer Indemnity was officially agreed by the two parties on the 19(superscript th) and 22(superscript nd) of September 1930, and adopted by the British Congress after three readings and later approved by the Queen. Two-thirds of the Boxer Indemnity was supposed to be returned, an amount about 7,457,698 lbs. The money was allotted to the construction of railroads, maritime communications, and telecommunications. The purpose of this paper was to study the use and the distribution of the indemnity, its contribution to the development of communication of the time, its impacts on the anti- Japanese War, and its influences on the nation's strength.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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