


Taiwan's Publications in the Postwar Years-1945-1949




蔡盛琦(Sheng-Chi Tsai)


出版史 ; 圖書出版業 ; 官書 ; 教科書 ; 翻譯圖書 ; History of Publication ; Publishing Business ; Government Publications ; Textbooks ; Translations




5期(2005 / 03 / 01)


209 - 251




本文探討戰後初期臺灣的圖書出版,經歷過日本殖民統治後的臺灣,隨著政權的轉移,開始進入一個新的歷史時期,在這歷史的變動中,圖書的出版順應著時代的趨勢,展現其不同的出版特色。為更清楚看出戰前、戰後圖書出版的轉變,本文首先談的是日治時期的圖書出版概況,然後探討戰後影響臺灣圖書出版的背景因素,分別從文化上、經濟上及政治上這三方面來看,文化上因面臨到文字語言的轉換,經濟上因印刷、造紙工業的衰退與通貨膨脹,以致民間圖書出版更加困難,在政治上經歷過二二八事件後帶來的創傷,讓知識分子開始退縮,思想言論上受到限制,此時的臺灣正面臨到一段圖書缺乏、精神空虛的文化沙漠期。 這階段所出版的圖書,其中以官方宣導品占多數,這是因為官方掌握了印刷資源,得以大量出版;而在教育環境改變下中文教科書奇缺,民間出版社機構應時應需求的出版不少教材、教科書;另一方面此時民眾對新時代充滿了期待,以介紹象徵國家圖騰的國旗、國歌與三民主義的圖書,成了建構國家民族認同的媒介;而由於語文的限制,日文創作減少,中日文對譯的圖書出版,彌補了這段時期精神的缺口。1949年以後因政府遷臺,政治環境的丕變,與社會人口結構的改變,整個出版活動又有不同的發展,綜觀而言,圖書出版既受到社會變動的影響,同時也影響著社會。


This paper explored the publications in Taiwan immediately after World War Ⅱ-from August 1945 when Taiwan departed from Japanese colonial rule to May 1949 when the Martial Law was enforced. As Taiwan left the Japanese colonial rule for a new political situation, its publications also assumed a new character. This paper started with a general description of the publications in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial rule in order to contrast the differences between pre-and post-war eras. Then it analyzed the cultural, economical, and political factors contributing to the new circumtance for publications during the beginning of postwar years. Culturally, there was a change in the spoken and written language. Economically, it was a hard time for publishers due to the economic recession then. Politically, the traumas brought by the 228 Incident drove intellectuals to stay away from sensitive political issues. This was a time when Taiwan experienced a lack of publications and became a ”cultural desert”. The publications of the new era were mostly of the propaganda type produced by the National Government. The Government had controled over the printing business, and had produced a large number of textbooks in Chinese. On the other hand, the public was provided with plenty of books symbolizing the totems of the national flag, the national anthem, and The Three Principles of People. These publications became the medium for the general public to identify themselves with the new government and the new ethnic group. During this period, the publication of books in Japanese was restricted. As a result, the publishing of Chinese-Japanese books made up for the situation. After 1949 when the National Government moved to Taiwan, not only the political situation changed drastically but also population structure differed greatly. To meet the new situations, publications after the 1949 underwent a rather new. While they were a result of the social change, they also affected the society in development general.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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